Love language
Discover your love language and the love language of your partnerFemale perfection
Learn how to become successful, powerful and to receive attention, presents and anything you want from menFemale power
Learn female practices to discover your female power source and to connect with itYour personal lifestyle facilitator
Zori GZori G is a lifestyle consultant in the fields of luxury lifestyle,
fashion, relationships, business life and personal lifestyle.
More than 10 years she improves her skills and specializes knowledge with
personal trainers, consultants,
lifestyle coaches, healers and yoga instructors
from Russia, India, Uzbekistan, U.S.A. and Europe.
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The concept of “Five Love Languages” is created by the American writer and trainer Dr. Gary Chapman. The Five Love Languages help people to express and receive love as expressed through one of five languages: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service, or physical touch.
- Words of affirmation – This language uses words to affirm other people.
- Acts of service – For these people, actions speak louder than words.
- Receiving gifts – For some people, what makes them feel most loved is to receive a gift.
- Quality time – This language is all about giving the other person your undivided attention.
- Physical touch – To this person, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate touch.
A person usually speaks one primary language, but all are important and can be ranked during the Love Language V.I.P. Consultation. Zori G is going to help you to indentify your primary love language and the love language of your partner. This consultation is going to help you to perfectly understand the needs of your partner and you are going to receive the answer why your relationship sometimes struggles. This theory and techniques have helped millions of people to avoid divorce and to live life full of love, understanding and harmony. It can be used to identify the love language of your children and to learn how to build better relationship with them. If you dream about happy family relationship, the Love Language V.I.P. Consultation is what you need.

The woman is a beautiful creature, a goddess, a princess and a queen. Her life mission is to give birth to healthy children and to raise them. The woman can do anything – to create happy family, to do business, to be involved in charity, to make global changes with ease. Her goal is the man next to her to achieve even more, to be satisfied with his achievements and to feel powerful and mighty.
All that is possible, only if the woman can manage the four states, called archetypes:
- The Girl – she is trusting, loving, open, gentle, joyful, playful, light, carefree and cheerful. She is the one who knows how to receive gifts. She gives to the man attention, fills him with love and positive emotions, she believes in him and his abilities and she accepts him as he is. The girl gives to man admiration, appreciation and gratitude. She receives from man love, protection and support, care, gifts and loyalty.
- The Lover – she is passionate, bright, hot, sexual, impulsive, unbridled, artistic, playful, exuberant and attractive. She gives to the man delight, pleasure, and confidence that he is the best in the bed, new and sharp sensations, passion for life, and the desire to develop his business and to do something new. The man gives to the woman in archetype Lover passion and vitality, pleasure, truth, beauty, youth, good health and attention.
- The Queen – she is independent, rational, purposeful, logical, confident, free, and stubborn, she knows her own price, well educated, demanding, reserved and she knows how to defend her interests. The woman in archetype of the Queen gives to the man inspiration for new ideas and projects, she build relationships and connections, provides information, she creates good reputation and she is the PR manager of her husband. She helps him to see the whole picture, the vision and his own goals. The woman receives from man admiration, gifts, social status, recognition and the man dedicates to her his achievements.
- The Mother – Housewife – she is confident, calm, balanced, wise and stable. The woman in this archetype gives peace, practicality and seriousness to others. She strives for order and she is organized, fertile, nurturing living in abundance and wealth. The woman in this state gives the man support and peace, gives birth to his children and raises them. She is always beautiful and helps her husband to achieve material goals – money, properties and inheritance. She cleans and fills the space with comfort and warmth. The woman in archetype Mother – Housewife receives from the man position, recognition, respect, gratitude and right to what belongs to her.
The woman is in her female perfection and can achieve anything she wants only when she knows well these four states, she controls them and she uses them in any situation properly.

Finding the inner power source and connecting with it is a main task for any woman. During the cleansing and energizing practices you are going to remove anything you don’t need: emotional distress, insults, sadness which destroys you from within and you are going to fill this clean space with life energy, love and compassion. Once you have learnt how to attract people and situations you want and how to keep them in your life, you are going to become successful in all your life areas: family, home environment, relationships, social life and travel, joy and hobby, spirituality, creativity, finances, business, education and personal development, health and physical activity. Become powerful woman who attracts anything she wants in her life and live your life according to your standards of living!
Chakra Balance V.I.P. Consultation

Chakras are energy vortices along energy lines of the human body. There are seven major chakras and many minor ones. According to the California hypnosis institute of India, the human keeps drawing energy for survival and growth from two prime sources: Spiritual Universal energy from Cosmos and Earth energy from Mother Earth. Both these energies are continuously absorbed by a human through the chakra network.
The individual is healthy when he is in harmony, his thought process and emotional response system is balanced which enables chakras to spin at the appropriate vibration thus ensuring a smooth flow of energy to the physical state.
The seven major chakras are:
- Root chakra – it is directly linked with human’s survival needs on Earth.
- Sacral chakra – the energy of the sacral chakra primarily governs the individual’s desire for “physical touch”, irrespective of relationship.
- Solar plexus chakra – it’s a measure of the degree of control you have over daily life.
- Heart chakra – the energy of the heart chakra is the energy of unconditional love. It is the confluence point of the Earth energies (Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus) and the Spiritual energies (Throat, Agya and Crown).
- Throat chakra – the energy of the throat chakra is manifested through the ability to communicate one’s feeling and ideas to others.
- Third eye chakra – this chakra energy is the energy of insight, corresponding to higher functions of the human being i.e. heightened perception of reality, creativity and implementation skills.
- Crown chakra – this chakra is the receiver of cosmic energy and channelizes it for experiencing divinity in human existence.
When the energy of your chakras is balanced, you can enjoy happy and healthy lifestyle.